The Most Harmful Words One Can Say to a Writer

Ryan Canady
3 min readOct 3, 2024
Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

The world will tell you that you can’t make money or be successful at writing. It’s time to ignore that advice.

If you are reading this, there is an excellent chance that you have heard people say that you can’t make money from writing.

This seems to be one of those cliches that has been passed down through the generations, and it is something that people love to repeat over and over again.

Most people are likely just repeating what they have heard from others, and they aren’t necessarily giving this a deep amount of thought themselves.

However, those words are still very damaging.

I say this not because I am personally offended or hurt by the idea that other people don’t think that I can make a living from writing.

Instead, I say this because I think that these words act as a major deterrent for those who are just getting started with writing.

Scaring Away New Writers

Photo by Nathan Bingle on Unsplash

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Ryan Canady

Lily (the dog) and I are on a quest to help educate and inform writers about this craft that we all love, join us!